Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Crafting Words for Success

Welcome to Designing Lifestyle...the blog of Joya Jewelry Designs as seen on www.joyajewelrydesigns.etsy.com

Today's thought for your consideration:
      Do the words we choose to speak     

        influence our life experiences?

    Today I am offering an excerpt from a recent journal entry of mine. I've been coming to believe that our thoughts ignite our emotions, which then ignite our feelings into actions (or inaction, sometimes) and thus we are "crafting" our life by choice or default. We perceive something through our senses, we process thoughts of fight or flight...are we perceiving good, evil, something neutral?...
then our emotions kick in, followed by our response of action or inaction, and then a consequence. Therefore, I believe it's important to choose our thoughts and words for the purpose of crafting, as it were, the life we want...or at least a life closer to what we want.
    We may not always be able to help what pops into our head, but we do have a choice of whether to linger on it, or choose a different thought and hold our focus on that. Then, we need to choose words that support what we believe and want to have happen.
     I'm still learning to put this into practice, but I believe it's a skill and habit worth developing, so I plan to keep at it. 
     I do not present this excerpt to tell anyone else what they should or should not do. It is just me talking to myself with reminders, and if they may be helpful to you, good; if not, let them go. Following is the excerpt:

      "Gee Whiz! How long before I CHANGE MY VOCABULARY? I need to eliminate....
I've heard people use the phrase, "It's just like I always say..." and go on to describe how "life is hard" and "I've got a J-o-b-, but I'm always just over broke," etc.  
     Today it occurred to me anew: 
It (reality/life) IS like you always say, to a great extent, SO STOP SAYING THINGS YOU DON'T WANT!!!
    Take the things you always say but don't really want and turn them around; take what you really DO WANT and START SPEAKING WHAT YOU WANT.
    "Craft" (create) positive affirmations that can help you hold positive thoughts until you feel positive feelings so you can live in that creative, positive energy where such things come to pass.
     You have the agency of free will, so use it to create the life you want to live."
Here are some of my affirmations...

  " I have a fabulous life and I'm grateful for it."
  "I have a great job I love and I am paid well."
"I am becoming stronger and healthier that I've ever been." 
"I use exercise to flow joy and energy to my body."
"I am learning more and more how to live a happier life."

   Yes, I know this is an over-simplified  presentation, for the sake of keeping the blog short. It's just food for thought. 
   My entry ended with:

                  *****DREAM BIG*****
Go for what you want and ONLY for what you want.
Craft your speech...
                   Craft your energy...
                                              Craft your life!

Disclaimer: This post and journal entry has only been presented as "food for thought."
If you are under the care of a healthcare or other professional for one or more specific mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual conditions or problems, these affirmations and suggestions are NOT meant to replace the advice and/or diagnosis of your healthcare or other professional.

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